Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Walking, and signing, and speaking, oh my!

Eon has been taking steps for months, now, and I kept waiting for him to just "take off" walking. It's funny to me that it hasn't happened that way at all. Gradually, he has just taken more and more steps until, now, he walks more than he crawls. He's still unstable and falls a lot, but he's very determined and always just stands back up and keeps plugging along. Very cute! It still surprises me when I catch sight of him out of the corner of my eye and he's walking by. He'll be 20-months-old tomorrow, so it's a bit earlier than I expected, too.

I've mentioned before his tendency to use signs and words for awhile and then just kind of lose them. It drives me crazy. I've been encouraged by other parents that they will come back and we're finally seeing that it's true. He hasn't used the sign for "daddy" for the longest time. Sunday, he and I stayed home from church as he'd been vomiting in the middle of the night (fun, fun). He was sitting on my bed with me watching videos on the laptop, when he reached over and patted me to get my attention. Then, he signed, "Daddy", and looked to Shawn's side of the bed. I responded, "Daddy's at church." He then waved "bye-bye" and went back to watching his video. I was thrilled! That was the first abstract communication that we've had...something beyond his wants and needs.

He's starting to do that more and more. The other day, his 3yo brother, Zak, was yelling at him for wrecking up his train track. Eon scrunched up his face and signed, "Stop!" Cracked me up! The one that really made me laugh was when I was hollering up the stairs for Ben. Eon walked over the the baby gate, stretched his arm up the stairs, and started signing "Ben" real emphatically, like he was yelling for him, too! LOL!

He uses some words or word approximations, too. My favorite new one is "up". He used to just whisper the "p" sound for that. Now, he loudly says, "glup-a-glup-a-glup-a" when he wants up. I don't know if that's what he thinks we sound like, but I think it's too cute.


  1. Woo Hoo Eon!! Look at all the wonderful things you are doing=) Keep up the good work!!!

  2. HOW cute! This is an amazing time isnt it? I experienced such a sense of loss and grief when we first met Grace.(at what wasnt and might not ever be.....) To now see communication and hope... HUGE!

  3. That is fantastic! Eon is really taking off! Now - you really need to get some video of all these things so we can oooh and ahhh over them with you =)

  4. YAY Eon!!! Go baby go!

    Also, irony. The word I had to type in to post this comment was unable. Clearly the computer hasn't read the blog post about all of Eon's mad skills!

  5. That's so cool and so exciting. Your baby is just about all big boy now. Funny how it happens when you're not looking :)

  6. My goodness he is just moving right along! Yay Eon! Way to go mama-enjoy this time watching him show off his new skills!

  7. Oh, how sweet. I loved readying about Eon. Especially the emphatically signing for Ben !! So cute! Thanks for sharing. ps. Miss you!
