Friday, October 15, 2010

Fun at the pumpkin patch

I'm 36 weeks pregnant, so we walk at about the same pace. :)
Hmmmm. Is this pumpkin bigger than my belly?
Why can't I get this one?

I liked the ones over there better.


  1. Tara wow 36 weeks already...time is flying! xoxo

  2. 36? No way!! Great to see your picture and it looks like a fun visit to the pumpkin patch. :)

  3. Tara Eon is gettin so BIG! He looks like he is just cruising along...GREAT JOB! I got your note on our blog-I am over being pregnant too! I am due tomorrow but I think this baby will need more than coaxing to come out;)
    Good luck, can't wait to hear about your new adventures in babyland!
