Saturday, July 14, 2012

The Adoptive Slacker

I feel like I'm doing this wrong.

Other people move through the adoption process much faster. They are more organized. They are more creative and more persistant in their fundraising. They are focused. They are relentless in the pursuit of their waiting child.

As is typical for me, I am distractible. I can spend my whole day at work obsessively worrying over phone calls I need to make, emails I need to send, or documents I need to copy, only to come home and immediately busy myself with everything that has nothing to do with this adoption. I jump on the trampoline with Eon, or tour the girls' redecorated room, or run errands with Shawn, or, way too often, veg out on facebook.

I'm not doing this right.

Maybe it's because I work full-time or because we have seven kids. We really are busy. There is much to be done simply to maintain our current life.

Or, maybe I'm simply lazy and undisciplined.

I feel behind. I feel guilty. I feel inadequate. Whatever the reason, I am doing this slowly.

But I am doing it...and that's what matters most. At the end of this road, a child will have a family and a future. We will grow in love and numbers. Our community will be richer and our lives will be fuller.

Have you considered adoption, but found the process daunting? Do you feel like you could never pull it off? Does the thought of a home study overwhelm your messy sensibilities?

Follow me. There is hope! You don't have to do it perfectly. Just take the first step.

Instead, God deliberately chose things the world considers foolish in order to shame those who think they are wise. And he chose those who are powerless to shame those who are powerful. I Corinthians 1:27 NLT

Each time he said, "My gracious favor is all you need. My power works best in your weakness." So now I am glad to boast about my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may work through me. 2 Corinthians 12:9

(We still have a lot to raise. If you feel at all led to contribute, just click on the "chip-in" at the top of this blog. Thanks!)


  1. It is a long process and it's good the family gets time and you downtime in the mist of getting through it. God's perfect timing. I look forward to the day I get to meet this special one couponing your family. I also have plans to do so myself one day. My last plans fell thru, so, waiting to see God's provision, next step for us. Posting as anon but it's me Chris Jones.

  2. What you do each day is amazing, be easier on yourself. On the days where you are jumping on the trampoline with Eon or running errands with someone, that person was probably needing your attention too and that isn't lazy or distracted at all, you have a family to be a part of and the adoption checklist will get done :-)

  3. You are doing a great job. Enjoy your family and enjoy the process!
