Saturday, April 25, 2009

A Little History

Simeon has been remarkably healthy. He has a small VSD (or hole in his heart) and the cardiologist is hopeful that it will close without surgery. We visit him again on Monday and are hopeful for a good report. Eon breastfed for his first 3 weeks until it was discoverd that he was aspirating. Since then, I pump and he is bottle fed breastmilk mixed with cereal to thicken it. I hope that we can return to nursing one day, but, honestly, I'm just not sure it will happen. His next swallow study in June 1. I was instructed to nurse him after pumping once a day, but he really doesn't do well with it - coughs and sputters - so, I really don't do it daily and just re-try every so often. He receives physical and occupational therapies on alternating weeks and is doing great.

He is a delight! He smiles and coos and is just a cutie! He is already fascinated by his siblings and the noise and chaos they bring. He is so snuggly! After Zak, his next older brother, I was ready for a baby who cuddles. Zak is almost 2 and still won't be still for longer than 15 seconds. Speaking of Eon, I hear him worming around in his crib right now. Time for a bottle and a change!

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