Monday, April 27, 2009


Today we went to see the cardiologist, after having Eon's echocardiogram repeated last week. He had one done shortly after birth which showed a moderate VSD and a small ASD (holes in the heart for all you non-medical folks). The cardiologist later downgraded the VSD to small.

We waited for quite a long time in the plain, boring exam room with only children's books to look at. When the cardiologist finally got to us, he was just as nice as I remembered him. Last time we saw him it was at the end of a very long and discouraging day at the Down syndrome clinic. He was our one bright spot.

Anyway, he told us that both holes are significantly smaller and he doesn't need to see Simeon for two years!!! At which time, he fully expects both of them to be completely closed.

God is good...all the time!


  1. Wahoo! What great news! I wanted to let you know that I finally updated my blog with the info about teaching reading with flashcards. Drop by when you get a chance. :)

  2. Tara-- I praise God with you for this great report!! This blog is very encouraging to me.. thank you for sharing!
