Thursday, January 21, 2010

Passion #2 UPDATE

God, in His great mercy, has provided a family for Sasha! Yay, God! ALSO, Marshall has one, too!!! AND, another little squirt, Charlie, who is already five and very much at risk and has been in my daily thoughts and prayers, has one, too!

When I told my kids about Marshall and Charlie, Tali (6yo) said, "What?!? I thought we were going to sell brownies at church so we could take them!"

We had talked about having a bake sale as a way to raise money for the 2010 challenge and, somehow, she got her wires crossed! :)


  1. This makes me unbelievably happy. I've been spending way too much time on their page pondering. There is one little girl that the picture looks like it could have been taken from my Chloe and I just want to adopt her today.

  2. thank you for the kind words on my blog. You know we cant walk this road alone. thank you for being there......
